/* Custom JS File */ (function($) { "use strict"; jQuery(document).ready(function() { // Slider JS $('.modern-slider').slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 5000, slidesToScroll: 1, adaptiveHeight: true, slidesToShow: 1, arrows: false, dots: true, }); // Initialize gototop for carousel if ( $('#toTop').length > 0 ) { // Hide the toTop button when the page loads. $("#toTop").css("display", "none"); // This function runs every time the user scrolls the page. $(window).scroll(function(){ // Check weather the user has scrolled down (if "scrollTop()"" is more than 0) if($(window).scrollTop() > 0){ // If it's more than or equal to 0, show the toTop button. $("#toTop").fadeIn("slow"); } else { // If it's less than 0 (at the top), hide the toTop button. $("#toTop").fadeOut("slow"); } }); // When the user clicks the toTop button, we want the page to scroll to the top. jQuery("#toTop").click(function(event){ // Disable the default behaviour when a user clicks an empty anchor link. // (The page jumps to the top instead of // animating) event.preventDefault(); // Animate the scrolling motion. jQuery("html, body").animate({ scrollTop:0 },"slow"); }); } // Change tab class and display content $('.tabs-nav a').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $('.tab-active').removeClass('tab-active'); $(this).parent().addClass('tab-active'); $('.tab-content>div').hide(); $($(this).attr('href')).show(); }); $('.tabs-nav a:first').trigger('click'); // Default $('.closebtn').on('click', function(){ t.close(); }); }); })(jQuery);